Rivers of the World Foundation - Welcome

         Greetings from Rivers of the World
A Foundation Dedicated to Restoring/Protecting Rivers and Streams of the World

Last updated November 28, 2015

Register for the EnTRI TRAINING

at the Environmental Training and Research Institute (EnTRI) Uttarakhand, India

Click Here for Details of EnTRI Training Feb 4, 2016

Some of the highlights of the Training are provided below:

  •  The The Training Session will be conducted by the Rivers of the World Foundation (http://www.rowfoundation.org/ ), by eminent Scientists and Engineers (Professors) from the US Academia and Industries in collaboration with the Rishikesh School of Yoga and Ayurveda .(www.rishikeshschoolofyoga.com ) of Swami Umesh Yogi.

  •  The training participants will have to pay a fee to cover the cost borne by the ROW Foundation in providing this service. The Rivers of the World Foundation is a Tax-exempt, charitable organization.

  •  The registration cost/Fee for this comprehensive, one-day training will be Rs.5,000. The total cost of the Training is estimated at Rs.10,000 per participant. The Rivers of the World Foundation will cover the remaining Rs5,000 per participant for this first Training event at the EnTRI.

  •  A maximum of 10 trainees will be accepted for the one day (8 hrs) comprehensive classroom training followed by site visits (optional) and hands-on Remote sensing/GIS Field-Truthing, Water testing and monitoring on the next day.

To Register for the Training (Feb 4, 2016) Environmental Training and Research Institute , please complete the form below.

* Name

Type Your Views and comments here

* Email Address and/or Phone Number

Please pay the Advance Registration Fee (Approx. 20% = US $15 or INR1000) using your credit card or Paypal account

arrow Please click on the Donate Button

If you would like to send emails to us then please use the following address:
Rowfoundation at Verizon dot net.

To write to us by postal mail or send a check or contributins Please click here


Website Statistics

Note: Rivers of the World (ROW) Foundation is a Tax-Exempt(501(c)3)Organization. All contributions to the ROW Foundation (Fed. Tax ID 26-062-3120 )qualify to be deductible from U.S. income taxes. All Rivers of the world foundation team members are participating in the Rivers/Stream restoration and protection activities on their personal time and contributing their personal funds. Not a single volunteer of the Foundation is receiving any compensation, rather they are paying towards the cause. They are conducting the activities in compliance with applicable regulations (US 18 U.S.C. 207 , 5 CFR 2635, and others; India - IPC for Ethics) in their respective countries. They are dedicated to Restore/Protect Rivers/Steams of the World and provide clean water for the poor and needy.