Greetings from Blue Yamuna
A Foundation Dedicated to Turn the Yamuna Water Blue
Welcome to the Yamuna Foundation for Blue Water
Mission Statement
Our goal is to clean the pollution in the Yamuna River, starting in Uttaranchal
and flowing through northern India to Uttar Pradesh, and to
create a better ecosystem in New Delhi. There is
more detailed summary for further information.
Latest Updates
YAMUNA RIVER - Sampling at Gau Ghat, January 20, 2008.
Robin Nesting in Front Porch and feeding Baby Chicks in Maryland
Dead Birds from Human Trash
More links below under Need Help Navigating?
Send your comments and views to us at
subijoy at msn dot com or
blueyamuna at yahoo dot com. Please provide your name, address and phone number when writing to us.
Show Your Support by Donating Towards the Yamuna Cleanup Effort
You can help the Yamuna Foundation by purchasing anything from
the following links. will donate a part of your
purchase cost to the Yamuna Foundation. Please consider
purchasing Books, Computers, Notebooks, or any accessories using
the Following Links. This will help the Yamuna River and other
Charitable Efforts in India
Once more we have changed the outline and layout of this website, so we
figured that the visitors would need help navigating the website.
The most resourceful links currently are:
The links are always on the navigation bar on the top of your
Note: Rivers of the World (ROW) Foundation is a Tax-Exempt(501(c)3)Organization. All contributions to the ROW Foundation (Fed. Tax ID 26-062-3120 )qualify to be deductible from U.S. income taxes. All Rivers of the world foundation team members are participating in the Rivers/Stream restoration and protection activities on their personal time and contributing their personal funds. Not a single volunteer of the Foundation is receiving any compensation, rather they are paying towards the cause. They are conducting the activities in compliance with applicable regulations (US 18 U.S.C. 207 , 5 CFR 2635, and others; India - IPC for Ethics) in their respective countries. They are dedicated to Restore/Protect Rivers/Steams of the World and provide clean water for the poor and needy.