You can Donate/Support our activities towards the Iloilo River, Philippines, Yangtze-Kiang River, and the Barak (Assam), Daya (Odissa), Ganges(Rishikesh), and the Yamuna River Protection and Cleanup Efforts in India !!!!
To Donate for a Specific River Please mention the Name of the River in Memo box after Clicking on the Donate Button
Our strategy is to start with a small first step... and we have been trying to take that first to start cleaning the dranage canals that discharge to the Yamuna River, starting in Uttaranchal
and flowing through northern India to Uttar Pradesh, and to
create a better ecosystem in New Delhi. There is a more detailed summary for further information.
You can help the Rivers of the World Foundation by purchasing anything from
the following links. will donate a part of your
purchase cost to the ROW Foundation. Please consider
purchasing Books, Computers, Notebooks, or any accessories using
the Following Links. This will help ROW to extend help to more Rivers of the World.
Note: Rivers of the World (ROW) Foundation is a Tax-Exempt(501(c)3)Organization.
All contributions to the ROW Foundation (Fed. Tax ID 26-062-3120 )qualify to be deductible from U.S. income taxes. All Rivers of the world
foundation team members are participating in the Rivers/Stream restoration and protection activities on their personal time and contributing their personal
funds. Not a single volunteer of the Foundation is receiving any compensation, rather they are paying towards the cause. They are conducting the activities in
compliance with applicable regulations (US 18 U.S.C. 207 , 5 CFR 2635, and others; India - IPC for Ethics) in their respective countries. They are dedicated to Restore/Protect
Rivers/Steams of the World and provide clean water for the poor and needy.